



Pie 出典:

YA-UM! I could eat sushi

YA-UM! I could eat sushi everyday.


Simple Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Icing and

Simple Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Icing and Sprinkles

the front one Negitoro, the back Natto :

hungry? the front one Negitoro, the back Natto :) YUM.

出典: の関連ワード:[food][sushi][rice][totoro]

Brownies on a Stick Recipe (by Betty Crocker)

Brownies on a Stick Recipe (by Betty Crocker Recipes) 出典:

Doesn’t this make you hungry just by looking at it.

Did I mention I LOVE sushi or any kind of Japanese food

Did I mention I LOVE sushi or any kind of Japanese food for that matter? :D (Photo taken by me) DA:

出典: の関連ワード:[food][sweets][dessert][CHOCOLATE][sweet][cookies][Chips]

出典: の関連ワード:[food][sushi]

I get could never get myself to eat something this

My heart just melted…I get could never get myself to eat something this precious.

dragon roll sushi. 

dragon roll sushi.