craving the peanut butter parfait that I experienced at Native

Peanut Butter Parfait (Vegan!!!)

Soooooo, craving the peanut butter parfait that I experienced at Native Foods, I came up with this recipe that is really delicious and healthy (for a dessert that is).

Try it, you’ll like (maybe love) it!

And it’s easy…..

Peanut Butter Parfait

2 packs Mori-Nu firm tofu

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 box of Annies chocolate graham bunnies

1/2 cup of coconut

1/3 cup chocolate chips


Grind up graham bunnies (sounds hostile) in blender and set aside.

Put both boxes of tofu, sugar and peanut butter in the blender and blend until smooth. Place a spoonful of graham crumbs in a parfait glass, sprinkle with coconut, and top with peanut butter mixture.  Top that with a sprinkling of crumbs, coconut and a few chocolate chips.  Refridgerate for 3-4 hours and serve.

Soooooo yummy!

Serves 6.


kyoto japan 金閣寺 日本・京都 (by)

winter / snow / architecture / tree / garden / gold : kinkaku-ji temple, kyoto japan 金閣寺  日本・京都 (by upload)


capturing great photos, I mean. I do want to try my hand

That Red Umbrella

Another one of those brilliant moments I’ve had with the camera. It truly eludes me, capturing great photos, I mean. I do want to try my hand at DSLR, but there’s no rush. The time will come when I’ll have a nice camera in my hands (though my G11 is nice already). 

Here’s a picture I took outside a restaurant in Kyoto. We were taken around by my mother’s good friend whom I now call Oji-sama. He is a really brilliant scientist who creates haiku poetry while visiting temples. I’m going to visit loads of temples when I go back to Japan (hopefully, next year’s backpacking trip will push through).

Thank you for the submission. Do you have an image of the

Thank you for the submission. Do you have an image of the person wearing it? I haven’t seen many kimono with skulls!

Taken from the Immortal Geisha forums



フィンランド人デザイナーLaura Huhtaによる美しい木の椅子

フィンランド人デザイナーLaura Huhtaによる美しい木の椅子。スウェーデンLinnaeus Universityへの交換留学経験を通じて2011年ストックホルム家具市にて彼女が展示したAugustiチェア。この作品は一見すると椅子の背もたれ部分を構成する木材がまるで捻じ曲がっているようにも見えますが、実際は3つに分かれるオーク材を丁寧に繋ぎ合わせて完成した作品。彼女によればある日部屋の中にあった長い絨毯の折り目を目にしたことがこの作品の制作動機となったそうです。完成品の造形美はもちろんのこと、彼女の椅子に対する深い愛情と素晴らしい手仕事の結果が見て取れる作品です。



allergen free, vegan, etc options but I don’t

Raw Food Chocolate Cake

We try to post gluten free, allergen free, vegan, etc options but I don’t think we’ve ever put up a recipe for a raw food diet.

Check out this youtube video I just came across for a raw food chocolate cake:

Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cupcake with Vegan Chocolate

Vanilla Toffee Cupcake with Hot Chocolate Icing, Chocolate Cupcake with Buttercream Icing, Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cupcake with Vegan Chocolate Icing 
