
we worked with Anthony Calzadilla who animated one of my

Hardboiled for the Holidays The holidays are nearly here, and the paperbacks of Andy Clarke’s masterpiece Hardboiled Web Design should be popping up on doorsteps any day now. If you aren’t familiar with the author or the book, I’ll just as…

出典:http://www.ne.jp/asahi/daisuke/kimura/page/animalpage/giraffe_fam.html の関連ワード:[アート][art][イラスト][Illustration][キリン][giraffe]

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WebDesign (via)

Pure CSS folded-corner effect http://t.co/UELcbc5 WebDesign (via @lecolibrilibre)

AnythingSlider 1.4 Pretty cool slider by Chris Coyier that lets you

AnythingSlider 1.4 Pretty cool slider by Chris Coyier that lets you slide any content possibleTo view a demo go here

Part 3 Part 3 in a 6-part

HTML5 and CSS3 - Part 3 Part 3 in a 6-part series.

responsive buttons without the need for

CSS3 Button Techniques A look at how a little CSS3 can create gorgeous, responsive buttons without the need for images.