出典: の関連ワード:[sushi][asian][seafood]
Did I mention I LOVE sushi or any kind of Japanese food for that matter? :D (Photo taken by me) DA:
craving for this right now.
flower sushi rolls (by bananagranola) 出典:
出典: の関連ワード:[sushi][asian]
出典: の関連ワード:[sushi][asian]
My mouth just watered.
I am not much of a sushi fan. But this looks A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
出典: の関連ワード:[sushi][asian][salmon]
Shrimp Tempura Roll…One of my fav things in the world to eat.
Price: $1.00 USD | Size: 1.25” (3.175 cm) kljhjksaflkfowh!!! I have a huuuuge thing for sushi pins. Frsrsly. [Link functional as of 11.25.2010]
i’ve never tried sushi , is this shit good or what? lol.
出典: の関連ワード:[sushi][asian][fuckyeahasian]
Japanese food By ~sayer93
出典: の関連ワード:[sushi][asian][seafood]
Sushi is the greatest! awww….so good..