
Great design and packaging. Not to mention delicious

Great design and packaging. Not to mention delicious chocolate. 出典:

ALL 525yen!

takeaway sushi shop chain. ALL 525yen!

出典: の関連ワード:[design][graphic][tea][CHOCOLATE][Packaging]

Fearless Chocolate

Fearless Chocolate 出典:

sushi roll

sushi roll

Finally getting sushi tonight

Finally getting sushi tonight

Uncle Pear just designed this awesome chocolate bar wedding

Chocolate bar wedding invitation! Uncle Pear just designed this awesome chocolate bar wedding invitation. AWESOME!

Online Portfolio from Patrick Decaix // twoto Patrick Decaix is

Online Portfolio from Patrick Decaix // twoto Patrick Decaix is designing and programming websites for more than 10 years. This Showcase is a selection of commissioned and personal works over the last years. He offer Creative Thinking and …

holy moly it has been a productive

holy moly it has been a productive day!

Check out his interview on The Big Web Show.

Jason Santa Maria Jason Santa Maria comes up with a different design for every article on his site using a tailored css stylesheet for each. Check out his interview on The Big Web Show.

Bringing Interactivity To Your Website With Web Standards Adding

Bringing Interactivity To Your Website With Web Standards Adding interactivity and animations to a design doesn’t have to be complicated or make the website inaccessible when you use modern Web standards. In this article, we’ll explore sev…



as it also includes user-research, prototyping, usability testing,

Myth #4: Design is about making a website look good Many people regard web design as decoration; the art of making a website look good. However, design is more about how something works than how it looks. Design is about both form and func…

posted by weandthecolor//facebook//twitter Redesign by Trevor Eld Transformed from a shopping site to become a catalyst and platform for creative minds. __posted by weandthecolor//facebook//twitter 出典:

posted by weandthecolor//facebook//twitter

slashTHREE IV Website “The slashTHREE staff began working on the version four project back in 2009, a year after the release of its version three. The version four project was visualized to be much more than just a new web design, but also…

ロイヤリティフリー素材写真 購入しなくてもデザインの参考になりそうな有料の写真素材サイト

素材写真 | Shutterstock: ロイヤリティフリー素材写真 購入しなくてもデザインの参考になりそうな有料の写真素材サイト。高画質、高品質っぽい? 出典: ロイヤリティフリー素材写真 購入しなくてもデザインの参考になりそうな…

Tumblr does not provide enough customization tools.However if the

5 tips to boost your Tumblr design When I read about Tumblr as a publishing platform, one of the main critics that is often mentioned is the lack of flexibility. Some say that compared to Blogger of Wordpress, Tumblr does not provide enoug…

I just sent off a self-addressed stamped envelope so

So, I just sent off a self-addressed stamped envelope so I can get free HTML5 stickers. How big of a dweeb am I?


20 Creative And Cool Mustache Inspired Products. 紳士おひげ商品。かわいいな。スノードームは笑ったw 出典:

Body Soap. 2009

Japanese Poster: Design East. Body Soap. 2009 出典:

The Grid System

The Grid System 出典:

obsessive attention to details down to the smallest bits. Read More

Myth #10: If your design is good, small details don't matter “The details are not the details. They make the design.” said Charles Eames. Fine details such an informative error message, a reassuring piece of microcopy on a sign up form, or…

Casa Brutus. Tokyo Feature.

Japanese Magazine Cover: Casa Brutus. Tokyo Feature. 2001 出典:


WEBデザイン用フリー素材まとめのまとめ(素材探しがめんどくさい人向け) - NAVER まとめ 出典: WEBデザイン用フリー素材まとめのまとめ(素材探しがめんどくさい人向け)の関連ワード:[design][まとめ][we…

Keiji Ito. 2010

Japanese Magazine Cover: Deep East, Deep Food. Keiji Ito. 2010 出典: