
出典: の関連ワード:[food][appetizer][spring][sushi][roll][Vietnamese][rolls]

this looks AMAZING

this looks AMAZING

YA-UM! I could eat sushi

YA-UM! I could eat sushi everyday.

dragon roll sushi. 

dragon roll sushi.

出典: の関連ワード:[food][sushi][fish][RAW][yummy][roll][rolls][prawns][prawn]

出典: の関連ワード:[japanese][Tempura][sushi][salmon][spicy][roll][shrimp][tuna][scallop]

Dragon roll. OMG im craving for this soooo bad

Dragon roll. OMG im craving for this soooo bad right now.

California Roll

California Roll

chocolate roll.

chocolate roll.

california roll topped with unagi 

california roll topped with unagi

I’m sorry to do this to you…. But I’m really craving sushi. I’m having sushi date withdrawals!!!

sushi roll

sushi roll

photo by me :

sushi! photo by me :)

Tempura-styled spicy tuna roll 

Tempura-styled spicy tuna roll

Love. Sushi.

I. Love. Sushi.

where is this place? Sounds delicious!

Oh my, where is this place? Sounds delicious! :)

I talk about food a lot.

THIS IS ALL I WANT IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. And some edamame. Sorry, I talk about food a lot.

and many people eat maki-zushi, praying for health of this year,

cooking dinner today was maki-zushi.(I understand they call it simply *maki* in English, right?) As today is Setsubun, and many people eat maki-zushi, praying for health of this year, I thought I should make one, too.