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have cake, will travel 出典:
Coloma Ventures
Online Portfolio from Patrick Decaix // twoto Patrick Decaix is designing and programming websites for more than 10 years. This Showcase is a selection of commissioned and personal works over the last years. He offer Creative Thinking and …
Jason Santa Maria Jason Santa Maria comes up with a different design for every article on his site using a tailored css stylesheet for each. Check out his interview on The Big Web Show. Redesign by Trevor Eld Transformed from a shopping site to become a catalyst and platform for creative minds. __posted by weandthecolor//facebook//twitter 出典:
Spotify Redesign
Best Web Gallery About Best Web Gallery Best Web Gallery is an inspirational gallery site where we collect a wide range of quality design websites (Flash & CSS). What is quality design means to us? via Sammlung von inspi…